
Showing posts from April, 2023

March Ministry Update

This is our leader team! I can't believe the school year is almost over and I am so thankful to have had them all on our team!   Hello! This month's blog will be a bit different. I want to share about one of our students, Devereaux. She joined FOCUS at the end of the Spring semester in 2022 as a non-christian. Since then she has been learning and growing in her faith! Devereaux and I have a sweet friendship and I am so thankful for it. She shared with me some thoughts after reading through the book of Hosea. It was impactful for me so I thought I would share it with you, of course with her permission. This is Devereaux! Hosea 5:15  "In their misery they will earnestly seek me"  This verse really spoke to me because grief has always been a part of my life. Originally it was the obstacle that caused me to feel so much despair. I couldn't believe in any type of afterlife despite yearning to believe because I dearly loved all of my friends that have died. Now I see my