
Showing posts from August, 2021

August Ministry Update

  Hello and welcome to my blog! My apprenticeship has officially started and I can hardly believe it. I hope this monthly blog is a helpful and sweet reminder of our partnership and your impact on the campus ministry at Richland/Brookhaven Community Colleges. I want to use this blog as a way to stay connected and keep you updated on what God is doing. Please let me know if you have any prayer requests as I would love to pray for you. I am so excited to have you on my team for this school year! Sincerely, Claire Umstead The Start of Something New... On August 1st, I was licensed as a minister with 18 other apprentices. It was sweet to be able to verbally confirm my commitment to the community.  If for some reason you were not able to watch it live or would like to rewatch it, you can click the link. 7eHghiHk86/ If you would like to read along or just read what we committed, linked below is the program. d/ 1dumiCbiSyRjTZDYFzEnBsZlEN1QsD B